Hygenall LeadOff Lead Decontamination Foaming Hand Wash Soap – 2-Pack of 1.7 oz. bottles

$17.95 inc. GST

Availability: 4 in stock

SKU: FHW8007H Category: Brand:

Toxic heavy metals like lead oxide, mercury, cadmium and others are present in many every day products and on surfaces found in your home, school, workplace or even in the soil of your own back yard. These toxic compounds can place the health and well being of your family at risk!

Lead dust comes from handling firearms, reloading ammunition, firing range sports and home products such as toys, plastics, ceramics, gardening, old paint removal, home renovation, anywhere or from anything where lead is an ingredient or is present. Lead dust sticks to skin differently than dirt and germs and are easily deposited on door handles, refrigerator handles, steering wheels, kitchen tables, toys and many things that a child might touch. Even invisible quantities of lead dust are dangerous to children at home.

Regular soap and hand sanitizers have been found to be ineffective when removing lead or heavy metals and may in some cases aid the absorption of heavy metals into your body! When used regularly Hygenall prevents the transfer of lead dust and removes lead and other heavy metals that may have accumulated on the skin’s surface.

  • Hygenall leadoff luxurious foaming soap feels and smells terrific
  • Use after handling firearms, dirty/spent cases and reloading
  • Replaces bathroom soaps by cleaning off dirt, grime, germs plus heavy metals such as lead dust 
  • Cleans off dangerous microscopic quantities of lead dust from hands, arms and face
  • Hydrating formula will not dry out skin and is safe to use frequently every day
  • The only lead cleanser in the world that has been recommended by the Centre for Disease Control for lead removal after firing weapons
  • Made in the USA.
  • 2-Pack of 1.7 oz. Foaming Soap Bottles
  • Also available in the larger 18.5 oz. Foaming Soap Bottle (see other listings)



Weight 0.22 kg


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